Monday, December 22, 2008

An explanation is in order I presume...

To all of the Modern-Guilt and Hell-is-Other-People readers out there.

My recent absence and, more noticeably, that of the aforementioned blogs has occurred for reasons which are far too messy, complicated and temporal to currently explain fully within one short blog post. To distill all of this change down to the most central of points... is dead.

I will accept no condolences in regards to this, as I feel no regret or sadness where this fact is concerned. Facts are, after all, merely facts, and nothing to get oneself worked up over. All the same, I'm currently working very hard to get the back catalogues of both blogs up as quickly as possible, and at a brand-new [not yet ready to be disclosed] home for that matter!

So, for the time being [as per the very title and address of this temporal space of mine], check back here if you're at all interested in keeping up with the adventures and misadventures that the challenge of the next few weeks undoubtedly bring about for me.

I wish each and every one of you the happiest of holiday seasons, and look forward to making my way back into the blogosphere in the new year.



Jennifer said...

Can't wait!! Miss you!

chauss said...

s, i really missed you. thought just holiday crap kept you away... please drop me a private email. i would love to hear fom you. my email is on my blog, if you want to chat. i am a good listener.
hope you are well in mind, body and spirit.
xx, and white light, chauss

Anonymous said...

i have never commented before, but the lurch i felt in my heart when i kept seeing a blank page day after day at M-G told me i loved and relied on your daily dose of hilarity and humanity more than i had thought. not to mention the fashion inspiration! good toronto blogs are hard to come by (hi ashleigh!)
i hope everything is alright, that you had a fabulous holiday season and that you return back to normal blogging form asap!
much love from one toronto gal to another!
xoxo, t.

S (formerly of Modern-Guilt) said...

Dear T,

Wow. Definitely one of the best comments I've ever recieved.

Thank you, thank you, thank you for your support - you've no idea how much it means to me right now, and is inspiring me to do so much with the new site that is to be up soon...bigger, better and a bit different than ever :)

I hope you have an amazing New Year's Eve tonight, catch you in 09!

Frou Flu said...

hey s, i'm glad you're back. i really missed your posts... i hope you have a great 2009! i'm looking forward to your new blog:) hugs!

Frou Flu said...

hey s, i'm glad you're back. i really missed your posts... i hope you have a great 2009! i'm looking forward to your new blog:) hugs!

ashleigh said...

Come back soon s. Can't wait :) hope you're well x